
I buy my furniture at Diversity because their stuff comes with good ghosts, the kind of people with whom I feel some affinity.

Take the chair I bought a few weeks ago. An old office chair from the fifties, probably, not a boss’s chair but maybe something you’d have in the waiting area or perhaps around a conference table, one with enormous, multi-notched ashtrays. But it is handsome enough, with its fake burgundy leather and brass tacks. It’s not all that comfortable, but it was not meant to be, so I think it does its job.

And it came with Frank, an amiable guy with the usual worries – wife, kids, mortgage and so on. But he’s pretty upbeat – key to a salesman’s success – and he has a lot to be thankful for. The heart attack was just a blip on the screen and now he’s here with me, although sometimes he does wander off for a smoke.

Frank doesn’t notice the computer or the microwave. In fact, he couldn’t care less. He squirms sometimes; the meeting should have been over half an hour ago, but hey, it’s not like he has somewhere more important to be. It’s fine here.


Anonymous said...

Does Frank look anything like Humphrey Bogart? I'm getting this definite visual of Bogart all frowny-faced and fidgety like he needs a cigar. Nice story.

EAS said...

I see Frank as more of an Everyman, but perhaps aspiring to be like Bogie. So yes, the image works.